The network of South Korea's biggest bank Nonghyup broke down for 3 days after a suspected cyber attack, leaving tens of thousands of customers unable to access their money ,AFP reproted.

I am in charge of a bank Internet department work which our side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom in the event that something was come up as mentioned above.

Our department are suffering for server data security under the pressure of higher-ups.we are exploring possible paths and looking for some data recovery and data loss prevention hardware for ending the stalemate.

We were merely in great complete bewilderment at the sight when inadequate information in GOOGLE was a shock to our eyes.Do you have some suggestions?



First reaction, LOL.
Second, what help do you actually want? Data recovery software or some helpful tips?
Third, after checking your profile you seems to be in China so why are you in South Korea. Or did i get that part wrong?

First reaction, LOL.
Second, what help do you actually want? Data recovery software or some helpful tips?
Third, after checking your profile you seems to be in China so why are you in South Korea. Or did i get that part wrong?

my lol reaction is because a bank security worker is on a help forum looking for suggestions on security software to use at there bank .

read the story , it starts off about a bank in south Korea being broken into ,and poster is responsible for his banks security and is looking for suggestion from a open help forum ,i just found/find it hilarious lolololol

If we just tell him won't other people know of it. That is really LOL

If we just tell him won't other people know of it. That is really LOL

or if i could create my own software for them ,and just send all there extra money to my own bank acct

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