I'm at a loss - I've killed 2 Gateway laptops in the past 10 days and have no idea what the issue is.

One is an M-Series w/ Vista and the other is a NV-Series w/ Win 7.

The problem happened when I unplugged them and took them someplace else (to print something), brought them back to plug back in and I guess the power didn't "connect" to charge the laptop. The laptop died and won't re-start no matter what I do - I have tried the reset procedure multiple times (even turning the thing upside down while holding the power button).

The power cords are plugged into surge protectors and I have other laptops laptops (including this one) that are running fine with no problems.

I have no idea what else to try with these 2 Gateways and don't want them to become paperweights. I really need some ideas.

Have you recently add anything like ram or memory or change any settings. Visit any suspicious website or download any files or apps. Something file you download from the internet have virus and cause this problem. You said you took both gateway laptop to print something and after that the problem started, have you try taking other laptops and go and print. Try that and see whether other laptop have this problem

No, that's the only thing that they had in common. That they're both Gateway and that I unplugged them both.

Ok, but I really can't afford to lose ALL of my laptops -there's only 2 left. If there's no power to them AT ALL, what else can I try?

try removing the battery ,then plug the power cord in ,and try turning it on

thanks. have done this multiple times on both - turned machines upside down, held power button down for 30 secs, etc., etc.

no response at all

Maybe your batterfy is faulty buy a new one and try it on a gateway laptop first> If your problem is solved buy another battery for the other gateway.

no,every laptop i ever owned or worked on will run with out a battery ,as long as its plugged in with the power cord

that's what I thought. I still don't get it. I took one of them half apart yesterday and don't see anything "melted" or unplugged.

I have it plugged into the power source but no lights on the laptop come on AT ALL.

I only know basics about the inside of laptops - i've replaced lcd's, ram, harddrives, etc.

How old are they as in old long have you been using them. It may be an overheating issus or a faulty motherboard

maybe there's something wrong with your battery,you can replace it and try again!!

maybe there's something wrong with your battery,you can replace it and try again!!

There is what i said and it still won't work. But thanks for your suggestion

one is 3+ years old, the other is only 5 months old.

It's NOT the battery, not the power cords (both work and I have a universal that I've tried).

Something else but I don't know where else to go from here.

you need to have it professionally looked at , to me it seems like you toasted something on the motherboard .
did you try removing the ram chips and try turning it on

no - just now tried that though. nothing.

I suppose I will have to have a Pro crack it open. depends on how much that will cost. I use these to run automation programs but it's a huge waste to lose 2 laptops if it's something minor.

Try having an expert to look at your computers. Try going online to see whether other gateway users are experiencing this problem if yes that means the problem lies with gateway products. The 5 month old laptop you can ask for a refund or maybe exchange

Check the voltage and amperage requirements printed on a label on the bottom of the laptops then check the output voltages and amperages of the power supplies just in case they both have different power requirements. It might also be worth checking the output voltages of the power supplies with a digital volt meter if you have one.

Check the voltage and amperage requirements printed on a label on the bottom of the laptops then check the output voltages and amperages of the power supplies just in case they both have different power requirements. It might also be worth checking the output voltages of the power supplies with a digital volt meter if you have one.

Hmm, i should think of that first. But for his case i don't think that was the problem cause he also replace the battery. But no harm doing what Rik said

The one and only time I have seen a battery be a cause of a problem was a customer with an older Dell. With the faulty battery is the laptop ran really slow. With it removed it ran at full speed once again.

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