
I have two laptops, one running Vista, the other Windows 7. Last week Verizon sent me a new modem. These two laptops were previously connected wireless to my Hp Photosmart C 4700 printer with no problem until I installed the new Verizon modem. The printer no longer was working wireless on either computer. On the Vista laptop, I've installed and uninstalled the printer software twice. Also downloaded an updated driver package from HP. I keep receiving the following message: hp installer network plugin UI has stopped working. I've even tried to install this printer to the laptop not wireless and it just won't install. I'm thinking that this printer is not picking up my new network settings and I don't have a clue as to how to correct this.

Also since installing and uninstalling this printer software, I have received two BSOD. And at one point the computer would not restart.

If someone could help me, I would appreciate it so much.

Thank you.

Have you checked the IP on the Printer?

Your previosu Modem/router might have had and new one

Can you give details of what modem and how you setup the setup?

Also give details of the printer.


Thank you for getting back to me.

I don't know how to check the IP on the printer.

The modem is from Verizon - Westell Model 7500.

The setup for the modem was done online from Verizon. I followed the online instructions and both of my desktops connected. I had to manually hook up both laptops by providing my security code for the modem. Both laptops were online immediately. I'm thinking there is somewhere I have to apply this security code for the wireless printer but don't know where to do this,

My printer is HP Photosmart Series C4780. I'm sorry, but what other details would you need about my printer.

Thank you for this info, however I still can't seem to find where I must give my code for the modem.

Did you find the Menu on the printer?

Tell what you have tried doing so far.

I did find the menu on the printer. I found the wireless menu. Pressed WPS, then push button. All it does is try to scan for a network, but then tells me that it has timed out. I've tried four times.

I'll have a look at the manual again, but can you tell me what security software you got, as that error can happen if a plugin get's stopped.

I am using Avast Antivirus Free Edition. The Avast has always been on this computer.

Can disbale it and try installing via the CD again.

Are you running as Admin?

Yes, I can disable AVG. Do I have to uninstall the entire HP software again and start over? When I first reinstalled the software, I did run as administrator.

I might not be able to get back to you tonight as I am once again experiencing disconnection problems with Verizon.

I would like to point out that this printer is wired into my desktop. When I hit on Network settings on the HP Solution Center software, it says that this product has not been configured for networking. No Network Settings are available. How can that be when these two laptops were previously set up wireless to this printer?

It will be setup to the old Wireless.

Yes remove the whole setup and run it again.

Let me know when you can as Page 5 to 10 does show different ways to connect, even without a router ( direct connection to wireless machines)

Sorry for the delay in responding back to you. I did disconnect my AVG antivirus and tried once again to install the printer wireless. Did not work. I thought I would give Verizon a call to see if they could help since they are my Internet Service Provider and they said no and told me to call HP, which I did. I was on the phone for 5 hours this afternoon and they have not figured it out. They want to continue tomorrow! I didn't realize that I still have 30 days of warranty left on this printer. HP actually took over my computer and tried just about everything. They even uninstalled and reinstalled the printer software 4 times with no success.
I will let you know if anything changes after tomorrow. Very confusing.

I can help you when you on

Can you let me know, when you are available today?

I will be online tonight from 7pm to 7:30pm est. That's provided that Verizon doesn't keep disconnecting me. The HP tech called back this afternoon. After 45 minutes, he told me that he couldn't help me and needed to call me back tomorrow.

What is the time now there?

Ok, done
Issue was Network not seen correct, once one was setup, the other machine could see the Wireless Printer, after Network Discovery was turned on.


Thanks very much for all your help and valuable time with this problem I had with my printer's wireless setup. I do appreciate very much all you did for me.

Your welcome

Please close the thread if everythign is fine

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