I have a toshiba A215-s4747, doesn't boot all the time. I need to turn on and shut it down holding pressed the power button few times. Usually I need 3-5 attempts to start it.
When I press power, I can hear fans, some leds but the screen is blank and that's all.
I have windows vista, and my comp. worked fine for 3 years.
Please, help me.

Run diagnostics on the system. It sounds like some component(s) is starting to fail. Since it is likely out of warranty, you may be on the hook for repair/replacement.

what kind of diagnostics? I verified the HDD, a friend checked, cleaned it inside...so on.

You might be able to find some diagnostics software on the manufacturer's web site that can determine if there are component-level problems. The problem probably isn't the hdd, but may be some other IC on the motherboard, or other peripheral chip.

Seems like a display problem at first but could be a faulty motherboard too. Maybe some parts are loosen have, try tightening all the parts. Loose parts can cause problems like this. Check it and post back.

I checked, everything seems to be OK. I tried to turn it on, this times took me three times to power and forced shut down. Any other ideas? I would apreciate anything...

You might be able to find some diagnostics software on the manufacturer's web site that can determine if there are component-level problems. The problem probably isn't the hdd, but may be some other IC on the motherboard, or other peripheral chip.

I checked with the programs from Toshiba, everything is OK. Seems that the laptop doesnt boot, only after 3-5 times power on and forced turn off. After that works fine.

Some news: when I power on the laptop, if it wont go, the logo from the front side and the optical mouse have no any lights on. If he starts normally(from time to time), I can see it because the mouse gets power and the light turn on. As I said the fans works, but nothing on the screen, like it stops somewhere on the way.
Thank you, to anyone, and I wait any sugestion.

Mouse no light means there is no power. Did you hear any fan sound when the laptop started. If there is none, might be a power failure. Can boot in safe mode and can you access the bios?

Mouse no light means there is no power. Did you hear any fan sound when the laptop started. If there is none, might be a power failure. Can boot in safe mode and can you access the bios?

Yes, I can hear the fan sound. I cant boot in safe mode or access the bios because it doesnt start the bios. When the bios starts the laptop works fine.

Check the power supply

what do you mean? Change the battery? The charger looks to be OK. As I said sometimes starts normal, sometimes no.

It sounds like some component(s) is starting to fail. Since it is likely out of warranty, you may be on the hook for repair/replacement.

I agree with this.

If it was my own, I would probably try to reflow the motherboard, as a last resort. But that is a lot more than I would recommend unless you are a professional pc repair tech, who have experience with that kind of work. ;)

Reflow the motherboard? What does this mean? Im not a computer specialist. Other ideas?
I would appreciate any idea...

What I was trying to suggest, was to find a computer repair shop, and ask for a price on a repair (new/another used motherboard), and compare it with the price on a new laptop. And then decide what is the best offer of the two.

Your motherboard is defective, but since the pc is about 3 yr's old, you might be better of buying a new laptop - considering what a repair might cost.

Can be a motherboard problem too. If you have a spare computer you would like to switch the motherboard to see whether it works. If it works, you might consider buying a new motherboard or a whole new laptop. I agree with the Jakob and Rubberman above.

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