I have a WD hard drive. that when go to delete files or folders they just come back. any recommendations.

You mean when you delete folders they appeared again later or next day. Try doing a secure deletes of the files and folders and later do a Malware Bytes scan

Not enough information here... Need more details please...

Is it an external or normal HDD?
What kind of files and folder you want to delete?

I think it is an external hard disk, suggest from the thread title but still lack information. The poster is having problems to delete files and folders as they will reappear after being deleted. Still not clear what he want to delete it but if want to delete any files and the problem occur, it can be cause by a virus or the hard drive does not give him permission to do that.

it is an External Hard Drive. and the files are .avi files basic type that i just want to delete so i can make some room. when i go to delete the files it shows the files getting emptied but if i close out of the folder and reopen the folder the files that were just deleted were still there. if i try to delete the folder itself the folder does not disappear, even though it goes through the process of deleting.

Try to use shift + delete to delete those files. It entirely delete files without trashing it into recycle bin...

If that's not working, try third-party software to delete those. Malwarebytes have an extra tools to delete files so use it. Also you might want to check your external for virus because it might be virus dwelling in your external while replicating themselves in there...

YOu can try flagstar suggestion and do a scan with malware bytes first before deleting the files. Check this link too. Good luck

I have tried the link for the delete files permanently link, and i get a run time error when ever trying to use it so i gave up on that software. i ran malwarebytes on the selected hard drive for a full scan and it keeps getting stuck in the process of scanning. I have also used the more tools section of malwarebytes and it shows and says the file is deleted successfully but the file keeps coming back.

It seems like a malware problem because whenever you try to run a scan, it will freeze suddenly. Try posting in the virus,spyware and other nasties forum

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