Can anyone help please? I've browsed through the other posts about power-failures but none seem to have quite the same symtoms as mine.

Whilst using my machine at the weekend everything froze. I tried what I could, which with my limited knowledge was Cntrl+Alt+Delete - Nothing. And ALt+Tab - Nothing again. At this point I did as Dell recommends and held the power button down for 8-10 seconds. Everything switched off. Trouble is, it won't switch on again.

Now instead of turning on, all the lights go green for a second or two then go off. There is no sign of life on the screen, the machine makes no noises, and the disc drive does not open (not that there is anything in there).

If anyone can help I'd be really grateful.



Looks like you have a toasted CPU/motherboard/VGA.

Ouch, that sounds expensive.

Cheers Chalky.

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