I recently was givin a Compaq presario 720 laptop. Sometimes it will not come on, but you can hear the hard drive. thanks for any help

If you have a spare monitor try attaching to your laptop and see what happens.

Had another thought, If the spare monitor does not work then maybe your processor had packed up, this happened last year too me I purchased a new processor, installed with fan and nothing would happen but HD was humming.

Spoke to PC world and they said processor!

thanks darren i will let you know how it works out

Have you considered checking the power supply and all the power connections? Does it turn on every once in a while? Or is it always having trouble?:confused:

This could be a number of things.. Check CPU first. Also be sure factory thermal garbage pad hasnt melted and come in contact with the CPU. They like to short out.. If this isnt the case. Z-3 could be shorted or leaky. Bus diodes could be shorted. Or power supply area of board is shorting. I fix a ton of these.. Be ready for fun! If you need help guive us a buzz. We can walk you through some of this. Ken www.ikenfixit.com

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