Please help, My Pc keeps restarting when connecting to the internet.It has a SoftK56 Data Fax Voice CARP Modem, P4 2.4ghz proccessor, MSI motherboard.
I got it formatted, but it still restarts. Please Help.

My Pc keeps restarting when connecting to the internet.It has a SoftK56 Data Fax Voice CARP Modem, P4 2.4ghz proccessor, MSI motherboard.

You almost certainly need newer drivers. Which version of Windows are you using? Go to the Zoltrix site and download the apprpriate drivers based on the model number and version of Windows. I'm assuming Zoltix based on the information you have provided so far; if this is not the case, let us know.

Well golly gee, TallCool1, that post just got you to 666.

Your next comment will designate you "The Neighbour of the Beast!!"

I'd agree with modem drivers as a possible cause. But I'd check for Spyware and Malware also.

okay, which well known virus is known to send itself over the net, and cause random restarts? Why it's the blaster worm, possible cause?

I disagree with the 'Blaster' diagnosis.

I've dealt with the exact same problem, exact same modem previously, before MSBlast was around. It was a driver issue then, and I'd bet this instance is a driver issue now!

ok then, so you are ruling out any possibility of a worm causing it?

I'd bet this instance is a driver issue now

That sounds like a wager to me, rather than a definitive statement.

you only enable the fire wall .that will prevent ur computer from restarting guarranted

The only sensible option I would assume, is to update your drivers and your anti virus software and also patch your OS with Windows Update.
A more recent Virus you may have seen in the news is the Sasser Virus, which will reboot your PC.
Install Ad-aware to scan for Spyware etc.

I had the sasser virus... is your computer giving a countdown warning before it shutsdown? if so, it may be the sasser...

you guys 'disagree' alot in here... we should all hold hands sing the pepsi song then roast marshmallows for smores!

....we should all hold hands sing the pepsi song...

Yoiks!! Somebody is really showing their age here...


I had the sasser virus... is your computer giving a countdown warning before it shutsdown? if so, it may be the sasser...

you guys 'disagree' alot in here... we should all hold hands sing the pepsi song then roast marshmallows for smores!

Well I haven't seen much evidence of that. We do suggest and consider alternative causes and resolutions for problems, and that's to be expected. There are very few PC-related problems which only ever have a single possible cause!

In this instance, the fact that the problem persisted after a format suggests that a driver issue is a more likely cause than a viral issue. Blaster or Sasser worms can immediately reinfect systems which are permanently online via Broadband, but I've not heard of that happening to a system connected via an internal dial-up modem.

I tried all of your solutions, sadly none of them worked and the problem seems to have become worse.My PC is now acting very strange, it restarts randomly (without countdown) , displays CRC errors when installing programs from a disk, sometimes it refuses to install anything on a disk and still disconnects while connecting to the net.

wow, a lot of you replied to this thread!

You said at the outset that you "got it formatted"

I have to wonder if the job was done properly. If Windows was simply installed again 'over the top' then that is not a format, and any existing problems would have been retained or gotten worse.

If it was actually formatted and installed correctly, perhaps there is something in your computing activity which is causing corruption to your installation. A read of the "Helping Yourself" sticky in the Security Forum section may be in order.

Perhaps a good move would be to wipe clean and start over again. For advice and assistance with doing that, read this topic:

If your problems are replicated on a fresh, clean install, then it's time to check for hardware problems in your computer itself.

CRC errors (and random system restarts) can be the sign of bad RAM. Download and run the following RAM-testing utility:

Run the utility multiple times for a real "stress test" of your RAM. If you have multiple sticks of RAM, remove them; run memtest on each stick individually.

Another possibility to consider is other bad hardware. I had a very similar experience that I initially thought was an overheating CPU. After a couple months of working with it, I opened my power supply to find a crispy resistor. Try all the other suggestions here, and if there is still no resolution, have a look at getting your hardware checked on. ;)


Thanks guys, it turns out there was a bad stick of RAM.

Glad we could help you get it sorted- marking this one as solved...


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