Hi Everyone

I joined this forum to find a solution to my problem. I have my IBM Thinkpad T22. I had no issue with it for almost 2 years since I bought it from Ebay. Suddenly it stop powering on. The problem started with couple of weeks back when it would power on after sometime but today it went totally dead. I would appreciate if someone can help me on this issue or point me in the right direction.



Does it power on when on wall power?
If so your battery may have expired - they have a life of 1-5 years

Yes. This laptop doesnot need the battery to power on. A couple of days back, the laptop powered on and booted. So I have not turned it off till now. But, the problem starts once I turn it off and try powering it on. Any help will be appreciated.



3 options, battery, charger or mobo

wats a mobo?

Sorry, motherboard

Can you tell me something about the switch. Can the switch cause the problem. Also, is the switch attached to the motherboard. When is open, the keyboard, I saw is have something on its underside.

looked it up and the t21 is apparently similar to my r30 so ill have a look


I have the exact same machine w/ the same problem. I'm the original owner (machine is about 5 years old). Right now it's totally dead, but until this week, I had several tricks to getting it started that worked for a while (enough time to back-up my data).

1) remove the power cord
2) Allow machine to cool down overnight before a restart attempt--the power problem seems to be linked to the machine overheating
3) Remove the battery
4) Press and hold down the power button for 25 seconds
5) Re-insert the battery and re-start

This has worked many times for me, but it looks like my machine may finally be fried. I suspect it's a cooling fan problem, but have been weighing whether it's worth replacing or just buying a new machine.

BTW, if you are able to get it restarted, also recommend you flash the bios, which you can find instructions on how to perform on the IBM (Lenovo) Thinkpad T22 website.

Good luck,


I've also got the same problem, my machine was bought about 4 years ago, an ex corp on ebay.

I'm thinking it might be a dust problem & am going to open it up & give it a good clean out.

I've done very much the same as Dangold & must back up, although I know I should have, have never done so before, apart from my most important things.

i have 1 ibm t22 and its cooling fan not working and bios have 1 fan eror so can go windows also how can solve the problem but the fan is ok i cheack it but from the mother board its cant get any power

My wife has a T22 900mhz she picked up on eBay a couple years ago. It's been working fine until recently. Seems it will no longer charge its battery. Every time the computer boots up, even when the power cord is plugged in, with or w/o battery, a critical low battery error message appears and the computer auto shuts down. I went to the Lenovo website and downloaded the PDF manual and proceeded to do a number of tests with a volt meter. AC adapter, I/O board, battery and backup battery all appear to work within specs. All tests pointed to the motherboard as the culprit. I bought a "new" motherboard off eBay for $80 bucks, installed it... same problem. Sent the motherboard back to the seller. Am contemplating going to IMPACT computer and electronics and dropping $160 on another MOBO. Before I do, any suggestions on where else to check in the T22 as a source of the problem? The Lenovo troubleshooting website suggests charging the battery, and booting the computer w/o HD, DVD, DIMM and anything else that can be unplugged, then one by one plugging the back in to see if anyone of those items could be the culprit. I'll try that today. Thanks for any suggestions. Charles Butler

Why bother paying 499. when all I may have to invest is maybe $160? Are you nuts?

Why bother paying 499. when all I may have to invest is maybe $160? Are you nuts?

the update in laptops is worth the little bit extra ,also you tried a
new board all ready ,I'll bet the seller of the 160 dollar one won't give you a refund after you try it and it doesn't work .

I'm having a problem with my IBM 240x. When I power on the laptop with the battery inside and the AC connected, everything is fine at the beginning, with LED showing that the battery is charging.

But, soon after the Windows is up, the power switches to the battery. I have to disconnect the adapter, wait a bit, re-connect again, and then the AC is recognised and the battery starts charging. After a little while the story repeats. Is this a problem with Windows, or what? Any ideas? Thanks much,

I'm having a problem with my IBM 240x. When I power on the laptop with the battery inside and the AC connected, everything is fine at the beginning, with LED showing that the battery is charging.

But, soon after the Windows is up, the power switches to the battery. I have to disconnect the adapter, wait a bit, re-connect again, and then the AC is recognised and the battery starts charging. After a little while the story repeats. Is this a problem with Windows, or what? Any ideas? Thanks much,

my first thought would be a bad power plug connection to the motherboard ,inside the laptop .maybe

Well, in this case it turned out that the cause was a bad AC adapter. I verified this by using my second laptop and its own adapter. The problem with the first adapter seems that it cannot transmit enough power. That's why it turns off when the battery is inside, but (still) works fine when there is no battery. Thanks,

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