Ok, been having this problem for quite some time now, but every once in awhile my mouse will just "not be able to click anything" it will still move but yet when i click it, no response!! Any ideas????

Did you try a new mouse?

Yes tried new mouse, i dont know why it would do this, even my mouse pad built in on the laptop cant click anything, the way i fix the problem is by pressing control, alt , delete, and that usual gets the mouse back working but gets annoying after awhile!

Have you scanned for spyware or viruses lately? Have you got the latest windows updates/ and latest drivers your laptop manufacturs website?

Yes my updates are all good, scans been done but for the driver updates that im not too sure how to do , i mean i have attempted and it says there is no update that my computer doesnt have for the driver, but ive never actually been to a web site to get one, always tried the windows drivers area for getting updates. Is there many driver updates lately for the mouse??? on the website???

Hmmm...if ya wait a second, not moving it, not clicking anything, does the problem go away?

hmmm well i definetely give it a try and let ya know what it does, but just yesterday i was using it and i did let it stop for a sec, just cause i had to do soemthing else and when i came bak it worked again may be coincidence or may be the way to do it, but still doesnt tell me the exact problem.

Heh well that might be just a natural prob then. Correct me if Im wrong anybody, but even I experience that problem, mabe once a week. However, if I just let it sit for a second, it corrects itself and is fine.

Hope this helps :)

Well, had the problem just not long after you second last reply!!! and did what ya said, seems to work, so thanks alot and thats what will be done from now on!!! : )

Awsome :)

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