Ok, so I was playing a game today. I went to exit out of the game, the game froze. I could not do anything, ctr+alt+dlt, nothing. So I was forced to manually shut off the machine. Now I have had to do this in the past, no pobrlem. But now when the pc starts this is what happnes.

It goes to the Safe Mode screen, coomand promt, last known working configuation, and normaly, all that good stuff. Well when I click on ANY of them, the system acts like it starting to work, and flashes to a blue screen real quick *no its not the blue screen of death* its just a quick flash, and the computer automaitcally restarts itself. Well then it just goes right back to the safe mode screen.

I have an Acronis system startup recovery manager, but I have NO idea how to use it, and I think this is the only thing that will work. Maybe I need to fix my paritions? If thats all I just need to know where to locate them, and the Acronis thing will fix it for me.

Thanks for all the help guys.

yeah..umm when you first get that black screen with all of that good stuff press the arrow keys to the celection u want ( duuhh) but select normal start up mode , not safe mode, more cdrom boot up..

Yea so like that doesn't work. They all lead to the "blue" screen. Anyway its a broken partition, I already took it into the shop. I will have it back on Monday. I would still like to know how to fix this for furtrue reference.

im having the same problem now the the power light is on but nothing comes up on the screen.my key board and mouse flashes for a moment then nothing,ithe only way i can turn the pc off is by unplugging it then when I plug it back in the power light and yellow light comes on without pressing the power button if you find the solution please let me know. just curious did you recently install any updates thats when mine started acting up thanks reflection

im having the same problem now the the power light is on but nothing comes up on the screen.my key board and mouse flashes for a moment then nothing,ithe only way i can turn the pc off is by unplugging it then when I plug it back in the power light and yellow light comes on without pressing the power button if you find the solution please let me know. just curious did you recently install any updates thats when mine started acting up thanks reflection

same thing happened to me except that I don't have any updates installed except sp 1 and 2 and I have Zone Labs Alarm Security (anti-spyware/virus + firewall + anti keylogger.) I was playing Gothic 2 when this happened.

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