I was on my laptop today and the plug came undone. no big deal, I plugged it back in and fired it up. The screen, however, was barely readable. Very dark but there was a picture in there. Any ideas how to fix this or what it means? is the monitor just burned out? or did I bump something I shouldn't have. Let me know. Thanks.

maybe you pulged it back in wrong? i don't know

I think that when you bumpped it something probably got reset, I think, so that's why its so dark and everything. If you open the monitors menu by pushing a button on the monitor you should probably be able to adjust the monitor brightness and contrast, or if your graphics card broke and somehow ejected the monitor? Dunno.

What model laptop are you using?

This is often a customizeable setting. I, for one, have it, for energy management.

Look under Right Click> Properties > Screen Saver > Power

It has since gone from a little dark to completely black. So i'm not sure what to think. I hooked up my desktop monitor to it and it works fine, i'm on it right now. So the graphics card is working fine apparently. I'm going to assumed it just burned out. It's fairly old. I've had it over 2 years and I got it used and have used it quite often.. it was my only computer for about a year.

I was on my laptop today and the plug came undone. no big deal, I plugged it back in and fired it up. The screen, however, was barely readable. Very dark but there was a picture in there. Any ideas how to fix this or what it means? is the monitor just burned out? or did I bump something I shouldn't have. Let me know. Thanks.

I had this problem and was given the advice to take off the power line, remove the battery then try to start the laptop. Quite obviusly it didn't start. However when the battery was put back in and the power in the screen returned to normal. I cannot explain why only that it worked! It went through a few checking processes and I am now fully illuminated once more. Good luck

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