I recently have "crashed?" my computer....:cry: .
it happened when i was closing internet, just msn and then AOL mainframe. then it froze.. so i rebooted manually with the on/off button. and window will not load properly.
It first appears up to the start up screen, with 5 options :
Safe mode
Safe mode with networking
Safe mode with Command promt
Last good configuration
Start window normally
I have tried all... everytime i clicked, it will have a grey timing bar across the screen, PC then restarts, and back where it was, start up screen.
after trying all 5 options, it now doesnt even want to work! no matter how many times i restart now, it just stops at the black screen with a white flashing line (the one before the window xp loading screen)
pressing F10 or F8 doesnt work, holding the key down makes a "dot-dot-dot" noise... i dont have any cdrom or floppy disk (was not given any)
what can i do!!