hello ppl
actually i want to install a software which requires to change the system date back to 10yrs, but the BIOS setting is not allowing me to change the system date back to 10yrs,instead it is allowing me to change back to 3to4 yrs.so what can i do.
gud day

1) Why would a program require the system date to be changed at all, let along set to a decade in the past.
2) If your BIOS only lets you change its date to 3-4 years ago, then that is how recent your motherboard is. It won't let you change the date to one before it was made (ie older dates are not accepted by the software).
About the only actual suggestion which I have is to try changing the Windows (I assume Windows) date as that could also be referred to as the System Date.

most modern bioses wont let you go back beyond the millenium

why dont you cahnge the windows date instead?

can't wait to hear the reason for the change ,

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