Hey okay well the worst thing ever happend my girlfriend dropped her laptop and we need help first her cd drive broke off like cracked in half are they cheep hard to replace? then the laptop would not stay on long like maybe a minute she took it apart (the whole thing) then put it all back now it wont start it gets to the user screen thing then boom turns off.. when the power cord is in the power lite stays on even when the computer dies what should we do can we fix it thanx :eek:

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CD drives are not hard to replace, but it does require taking apart the computer.

She took it apart...but did she put everythign back? Say, the CPU cooler power wire? If the computer gets too hot it will shut off automatically. Make sure the CPU cooler is running!

Hey thanx for helping yes she did put everything back when we turn the laptop on it does not have time to get hot we get maybe a minute or less we hear the fan going any other ideas?

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