I have an AMD 2.0G Processor 2G memory on a WINFast monther board. Every time I restart the motherboard dropps the DVD and the CDRom Drives.
I have to shut down and wait 15 sec. before I restart.

Can any one help or shoudl I just get a new motherboard.:-|

When you say restart do you mean do a warm boot? Or are you starting cold?

Have you tried clearing the CMOS?

When you say restart do you mean do a warm boot? Or are you starting cold?

Have you tried clearing the CMOS?

I have cleared teh CMOS i nte last couple of days, However that did not fix the issue.

IF the computer is off and i cold boot it loads up no problem, The problem comes when I do a restart or warm boot.
The CDRom and DVD drives get dropped off.

Do you have a spare IDE cable that you can try?

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