Hello All

I have stupidly touched the motherboard of my lappy and it sparked and now only the CPU fan works and it wont do anything else. I was touched the screen connector port on the board as the screen was staying white so I thought it had a loose connection. Now nothing works. Is this repairable or should I buy another board?

I have seen one on Ebay but it says there is scrolling W's on boot. Is there a problem with this board also?

I appreciate your help


You mean you touched the motherboard with the screwdriver when it was on !?!

your supposed to unplug and remove the battery before dismantling!

Dont buy taht one of ebay. It looks broken. Most likely wouldnt fit your laptop anyway. I think youl most likely need a whole new laptop

Yes it was on and I know its a no no but I was not thinking and thought I could quickly check the cable. I know I'm stupid

So what could have gone to make it un-repairable?

Short Circuited it?

Thanks for the reply

Could it have damaged the bios as everything looks ok on the board as i have looked at it under a microscope and can't see anything damaged. Are there fuses that could have blow?

Check the capacitators - are any leaking?

No they are fine.

Thanks :-)

Hello All

I have stupidly touched the motherboard of my lappy and it sparked and now only the CPU fan works and it wont do anything else. I was touched the screen connector port on the board as the screen was staying white so I thought it had a loose connection. Now nothing works. Is this repairable or should I buy another board?
You shorted out the screen, if you could replace the screen the rest might still be working.

The capacitators look fine as I have look at every single one under a microscope. Found another board from a used laptop so hopefully it will work!

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