I just bought a new Antec Earth Watts 500 power supply. I just installed it last night and I started hearing a noise (kind of like a cricket sound). It goes on for about 8 seconds then stops for a split second then 3 short cricket sounds and then the cycle continues.

Am I asking for trouble if I keep it or should I exchange it for another one?

It is not annoyingly loud, but I could hear it even more so with the side panel off.

Open the pc case and try to isolate the problem. If the noise is coming from the power supply, maybe what you've just bought has a factory defect. You may try to ask for a new replacement. And also observe your hard disk activity it may also create abnormal noise.

Is there something in the fan area on the psu?

Is there something in the fan area on the psu?

What do you mean?

I know it is the power supply because it is the only thing new in my computer. I also disconnected fans to isolate the problem. I even unplugged the hard drive to see if it was it and no it wasn't.

I unmounted the ps from the case to see if maybe it was rattling but no. I put my ear to the ps fan and that is where I pin pointed where it was coming from. I don't know if it is the fan or something inside the ps.

Just responding to this post, when I was scrolling with the mouse the noise would stop and continue when I stopped scrolling.

Are you sure that noise is coming from inside the cpu unit or a noise from the speaker?

Are you sure that noise is coming from inside the cpu unit or a noise from the speaker?

I know the noise is coming from the powersupply, I just want to know if it is normal or should I try to exchange it. The only problem is I would be without a computer for quite a while since I bought it online.

As for the speaker, I don't know which one you are talking about. Case speaker, no. External speakers, no, they are turned off.

If you are sure the power supply is the problem, just try to exchange it. No warranty is guaranteed if the seal outside the box is tampered or broken. I am afraid if the noise you have heard is from a loose part/component on the pcb inside the psu box that's causing spark or the fan itself due to misalignment. This defect may create trouble in the future especially to your motherboard. Why did you change your old psu? Was it already defective? If not, try that also to isolate the trouble.

Why did you change your old psu? Was it already defective?

No it wasn't defective, I just put together a computer for my daughter from old spare parts and put my old one in that one and got myself a newer one. The one previous was already 2 1/2 years old.

I ordered this one from Staples.com because it was very cheap. I wonder if I could exchange it at the store? I'll see what happens. Thanks :)

Are you sure that nothing is inside of the fan area, which may be causing the fan to hit it while spinning?
If not, take it back and ask for a new one. make them try yours in-store to check that it isn't your computer at fault.

Yeap, it was the power supply. I did a few more checks before I made a run to the store. I tried my old power supply and there were no noises. I connected the new one again but without mounting it in the case and still the noises. It sounded like it was the fan at fault.

Anyways, I exchanged it for a new one and, no more noises. The computer is quiet once again.

Thanks for the help.

Well another problem solved by Daniweb :P

PSUs have a high rate of DOAs

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