greetings, first of all i have to say i'm almost completely computer illiterate. So my problem is this.... i have 2 hdd in my cpu c and d. Few weeks ago, i couldn't enter explorer on my desktop, and had to do tasks using the task manager. Then all of a sudden, when i finally decided to backup my stuff and reformat, i can't enter windows. THere is a msg before entering windows that says something like windows canniot start up because of some hardware thingie, please refer to documentation and stuff. So i formatted my c drive, but the problem is now i can't read my d drive, which has essential stuff i need to bcakup. Can someone kindly help wioth this... thank you very much.

Does the windows not recognize the d:\drive or else?

Meanwhile, start your computer in safe mode. Check if you are able to read the d:\drive and copy all your files.

now BIOS can't detect the hard drive... also no luck in safe mode

With the computer off and unplugged, open your computer case and be certain that the cable and power connector of the d:\drive are not loose, and snugly and properly seated to their corresponding sockets/terminals. It's better to unplug and plug them again. If it doesn't work, try to replace the ide cable. Be careful not to touch anything inside the cpu unit except from the d:\drive. Start your computer.

Did you make any changes in your hard drive(d:\drive) before?

In addition to the above post:

Enter the bios setup first. Navigate and make it sure that both primary and secondary ide controllers are enabled.

my hdd connects through a sata cable. Would i need a motherboard driver to read this hdd? because i just formatted my comp a day back with the good drive

Are the hard disk drives c and d both sata? But like you said the d:\drive has not yet been recognized by the bios. What you need to do is unplug and plug them again all the cable and power connector of your sata drive or d:\drive. Or plug it in different sata sockets. Or use it as a boot drive to see if it will work. Even without sata raid driver it should be first recognized by the bios.

Only D is sata, the normal C: is IDE. I've tried unplugging and plugging and changing the SATA ports but to no avail, I"ve installed the motherboard driver but it still can't detect the drive....I'm almost going crazy over this haha

I do not know what motherboard you have. Make and model of your motherboard, please? Make sure the sata controller is enabled in the bios.

If the problem persists, try replacing a sata cable, or power connector. Maybe the sata drive is damaged or defective.

i have an intel ew82801 motherboard. I'm sorry but i have no idea how to enable the SATA controller, could you teach me how?

i don't knwo if this is of any relevance, but i tried plugging my defective hdd to my friend's CPU and it can't read the drive too

It's not your motherboard model. Download the Belarc Advisor program in this link.

Post here the system model, main circuit board, operating system, and your processor.

When you plugged your sata drive in your friend's cpu, was your drive detected in the bios? Have you tried to use different sata cable and power connector?

If you have a spare sata drive, just try connecting it to your system.

Or set your sata drive as the boot drive in your system and temporarily remove the ide hard drive. Check if it will be detected in the bios.

Do you have a manual for your motherboard model? Read the manual carefully on how to enable the sata controller.

Try to navigate to the bios. Look for your sata controller or onchip sata and enable it.

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