Since I last shut down my Mac, the tracking on my mighty mouse has been all crazy. I try to point in one place, and the then the arrow shoots across the screen. Sometimes, it seems to work better than other times. Sometimes it is particularly madening - the pointer going nowhere near where I want it to go. Is this just a coincidence with shuting down the computer? Does the mouse need cleaning? If so, how do I clean it? Is there some software settings I can readjust? The other mouse functions work fine e.g. scrolling with the center button

Is this is a wired or a wireless Mighty Mouse? And if you aren't using a mouse pad, does using one change anything?

It has a wire.

I do use a mouse pad. Haven't changed anything there

Do you have another computer (Windows or Mac, it doesn't matter) that you can use to test this mouse?

I had this problem once with my wireless mouse.

I turned it off, turned it on again, and reran the bluetooth wizard, including renaming the mouse, and it's worth since. (It's now worked for nearly a year, problem free)

Hope this helps

Since I last shut down my Mac, the tracking on my mighty mouse has been all crazy. I try to point in one place, and the then the arrow shoots across the screen. Sometimes, it seems to work better than other times. Sometimes it is particularly madening - the pointer going nowhere near where I want it to go. Is this just a coincidence with shuting down the computer? Does the mouse need cleaning? If so, how do I clean it? Is there some software settings I can readjust? The other mouse functions work fine e.g. scrolling with the center button

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