I am not very computer savvy. I have no sound on my comp. in the device manager there is a yellow exclamation point and error code #10 for my sound driver. Can any one please help me like I am 5 years old?

Are you using Windows XP?
Do you still have the CDs that came with your computer?

I am using xp and i have the motherboard cd

is your sound card built in, or you got a separate card, if it is built in, then insert the CD of your mobo, to the cd drive, if a menu pop-up to install the driver then choose the menu to install the driver for your sound card...reboot the system after installing..

I tried that and it doesnt work. I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it and that still doesnt work. Any other ideas.?

go to windows update and check for driver updates (choose custom not express!)

I tried that and it doesnt work. I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it and that still doesnt work. Any other ideas.?

does the yellow ! mark re-apear in device manager ,after you reinstall the drivers

i think u r using Windows XP and assuming that ur sound card is built in ,take the motherboard cd & install the Soundmax correctly.Even then the prob exist then it will be some prob with the soundcard or driver.hope that u came to a soln.

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