ok i resently had to reformat my windows Me. i got the new Ad-aware SE personal (free version) and once i installed and tryed to open it i got 2 messages. one:

"Ad-aware has caused an error in <unknown> close(in a box)
Ad-aware will now close.

if you continue to experience problems,
try restarting your computer."

then i got message # 2 in german i translated it with freetranslation.com and got this:

Use mistake
Exception EReadError in module AD-AWARE. EXE in 00021F07. mistake in the reading of memof. Lines. Strings: mistake in inserting of RichEdit-line.

i restart but that doesn't work. what do i do.

Re-intsall ad-aware maybe your installer was infected somehow.

Also be sure you've gotten all the Windows Updates for your machine, as it's possible one of the updates for Windows has changed something which Ad-Aware is dependant upon.

I dont really think windows updates would be the problem it would have to be an update that would modify that section of your registry or something like that. Most windows updates are just security updates for IE and other windows components none of them should effect your personal software.

i have tried installing it 100's of times from different web sites but with the same result

Get rid of Windows ME and get a real OS!!

I dont really think windows updates would be the problem it would have to be an update that would modify that section of your registry or something like that. Most windows updates are just security updates for IE and other windows components none of them should effect your personal software.

Actually, I beg to differ with you there. Many features get added as time goes by, and it's been 4 or more years since ME was released. It is indeed more than possible that Ad-Aware is dependent on a feature that did not originally ship with ME.

Further, it makes good sense for him to grab those updates immediately. With all the zombies out there portscanning these days, he stands a real big chance of getting infected by something before he gets the chance to update, since many of these spread with no user intervention.. There are bugs that will stop Ad-Aware from running, and disable your anti-virus software to worry about as well. Getting those updates only makes good sense, don't you think?

i had already got the updates before i even tried to install ad-aware

I believe you are right about the updates....I made the mistake of not getting all of my critical updates installed, and I had a hard time getting certain things to run until I had done so. And on top of that, my computer got infected with lots of unwanted "nasties" along the way. Whether it has anything to do with Adaware not wanting to work correctly or not, it's always wise to keep up with your updates from Microsoft. I had to learn the hard way. :)

never mind guys i fixed the problem by reformating. i found out i have a virus on the computer so i just reformated. but i still need help with the sound. see my eariest thread, in has more info

never mind guys i fixed the problem by reformating. i found out i have a virus on the computer so i just reformated. but i still need help with the sound. see my eariest thread, in has more info

Well... there you go.

More than likely, you didn't have a virus, but some nasty spyware. There are such beasts that will do things to disable spyware/AV programs, just like viruses do. It's scary to see how the lines between the two are getting blurred.

Glad to hear you're up and running again, though! :D

Well... there you go.

More than likely, you didn't have a virus, but some nasty spyware. There are such beasts that will do things to disable spyware/AV programs, just like viruses do. It's scary to see how the lines between the two are getting blurred.

Glad to hear you're up and running again, though! :D

thanks, still hope i can figure out this sound problem

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