I had a system crash on Monday, since then I finally got my system back up and running again. Now whenever I use IE on occasion it starts to open new tabs constantly, none stop unless I use Task manager to close IE. What can be causing this to happen and how can I fix it. This is a 4 month old laptop and I'm having more problems now then I have ever.

What operating system are you using? Is the IE7 an update from IE6 or is it the original browser?
Do you know the actual cause of the crash? When you say that you got your system up and running again, how did you do this?

I'm using IE 7.
My computer would start up fine but once I actually went to click on any type of application it would stop responding, the only way the computer worked was in safe mode. Dell had me save everything and then do a factory reinstall. It deleted the whole computer and set it back to the way it was when I first got it from Dell. Now I'm back up and running and having more problems then ever. Not only do I have that problem on occassion, now my desktop background isn't showing at all. Nothing shows up, even when I rick click and try pasting it to the desktop.

What operating system are you using? Is the IE7 an update from IE6 or is it the original browser?
Do you know the actual cause of the crash? When you say that you got your system up and running again, how did you do this?

Operating System?

Windows Vista

Operating System?

Do you know what caused the crash? And what steps did you take to fix everything?

Are these tabs all blank or do they contain the same page? Do you have the IE7 Pro Add-on? From what I have found this will occasionally cause this problem. Check and see, if you do go to Add/Remove and uninstall the IE7 Pro add-on.

Take a look at these pages about IE7 and see if they offer any solutions;



I have no idea what it was that caused it. It just stopped working for no reason. When the computer crashed I just did a factory install. Dell had me wipe out the computer and F8 and click on factory install.

The tab keeps opening to the same website. I have to end up hitting ctrl + Alt + Del in order to get it to stop.

Now with internet explorer I really have no clue if there is an add on. How can I figure that out?

Do you know what caused the crash? And what steps did you take to fix everything?

Are these tabs all blank or do they contain the same page? Do you have the IE7 Pro Add-on? From what I have found this will occasionally cause this problem. Check and see, if you do go to Add/Remove and uninstall the IE7 Pro add-on.

Take a look at these pages about IE7 and see if they offer any solutions;



Did you read the links I noted? The first one shows how to set up IE7 essentially.

I've tried it now I just get them to open in new windows. I have run my Mcafee and nothing shows up, I've checked windows defender got nothing. I even went to various different free system scans and they all came up with nothing. I don't know what can be causing it to do that.

Did you read the links I noted? The first one shows how to set up IE7 essentially.

Ok, here are more steps you can try.
All the information below can be found on this page;

How to optimize or reset Internet Explorer 7

Run Internet Explorer 7 in "No Add-Ons" mode
Internet Explorer 7 add-ons, such as ActiveX controls and browser toolbars, are used by some Web sites to provide an enhanced browsing experience. An error may occur if an add-on is damaged or if an add-on conflicts with Internet Explorer 7. To determine whether the error is caused by an add-on, run Internet Explorer 7 in "No Add-Ons" mode. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then type Internet Explorer in the Start Search box.
2. Click Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons). Internet Explorer 7 opens without add-ons, toolbars, or plug-ins.
3. Test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly

If no errors occur, the problem is caused by one of the add-ons that typically load together with Internet Explorer 7. To rectify this then you can do one of the following;
Option 1: Reset Internet Explorer 7
Reset Internet Explorer 7 to its default configuration. This step will also disable any add-ons, plug-ins, or toolbars that are installed. Although this solution is quick, it also means that, if you want to use any of those add-ons in the future, they must be reinstalled.

To determine whether a performance issue or an error message is caused by configuration settings, reset Internet Explorer 7 to its default configuration. This was its state when Windows Vista was originally installed. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer 7.
2. Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Under Reset Internet Explorer Settings, click Reset.

Or you can do the following;
Option 2: Use the Manage Add-ons tool to determine which add-on is causing the issue
Use the Manage Add-ons tool in Internet Explorer 7 to individually disable each add-on to determine which add-on is causing errors. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer 7.
2. Click Tools, point to Manage Add-ons, and then click Enable or Disable Add-ons.
3. In the Show box, select Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer to display all add-ons that are installed on the computer.
4. For each item in this list, select the add-on, and then click Disable under Settings.
5. When you have disabled all the items in this list, click OK.
6. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer 7.
7. If issues do not occur, repeat steps 1 through 3.
8. Click Enable for a single add-on.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 until you determine which add-on causes errors to occur.
After you have used this process to determine which add-on is causing errors, you can disable that add-on

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