Hello all,

I am in great pain because of Trojan WMA Loader virus. It has infected some of my song files and whenever I listen to it either in car music system/CD Player/Mobile some songs play in sort of Fast forward mode !

I came across this virus a month ago when I had scanned my machine using Dr Web Cure it! It detected the virus in all songs and cured it too. Still the songs kept playing in wierd way and I then tried my hand at Kaspersky antivirus 9 series hoping for a miracle...but it didnt even detect any but I am still suffering with this terrible virus:'( Please help me in getting rid of this rather nasty virus which has screwed up my songs !!

If the song files are infected then I doubt there is anything you can do to correct that but remove them, as they have probably been damaged. If the files are still on the computer then the computer IS still infected also.

I listen to it either in car music system/CD Player/Mobile

What is it that you are using to listen to these songs?

Well, I burn a CD and played it in the car audio system which supports mp3 songs.

Also I copied all the songs in my Sony Ericsson Mobile and played it there.

I am sure that I dont have any infection in my machine at present. I have scanned my machine multiple times with different antiviruses and found no infections. But the files are anyways corrupted. Its obly a bunch of files which got corrupted. Is there any way to retrieve the corrupted files? some other software may be...

I would really appreciate if you brief me on this. It would be invaluable !!


No, I don't believe if I understand you correctly, these files which play incorrectly are now on a cd and on your mobile device then there is no way to fix them. BUT if the files DO play correctly on the CD and what you want is for them to play correctly on the computer then delete the ones on the computer and download the ones from the cd to the computer. But as I said, if you burned the disk and they are bad then there is no way to correct that.

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