
I am sure this has been done to death.. but i need an ultimate solution, not a simple software solution - this is a big technical challenge.

Without boring you with too many details. I need to block all access to pornography on our computers (networked). I am not being an overbearing wife, my husband has an addiction to pornography of an illegal kind and it is destroying his life. He is seeking help with this but in the interim, I need to protect myself by ensuring that this sort of pornography can never enter my home again.

My husband has agreed to take such measures by implementing all necessary blocks he can, however being a computer programmer/geek, he knows how to get around things. I guess i'm looking for someone who be able to advise me about this issue so that I can ensure that I am kept safe from this.

Chopping off internet is not an option as we work via the net.

We are currently running a network with windows vista with both mine and his computer connected, and he has another server box with ubuntu (or something on it - i assume this is linux??). I'm not a technical person myself, but know enough to get around a computer sort of.

Does anyone have the ultimate checklist of blocking porn completely from entering a computer? A simple software program will not work with this guy, he is quite gifted at finding his way around technical issues.

He's not the sort of guy to keep an easy to view history of his browsing, in fact he's been viewing it by using some sort of emulator which doesnt use a browser... ahh i dont know.

He downloads quite a few videos (non porn) and I believe this is done on a torrent site. I also know he accesses those... mailing list things that deliver files in parts?? Ahh newsgroups - thats it!

So, anyone willing? (please dont lecture me about porn being normal, this is clearly not normal, and i'm not fat and ugly either so thats not the reason.. lol.. its a serious problem and i need some help). I am more than willing to pay a professional to help me with this but dont really know where to go and who to ask???

Thanks in advance.

xx Notverygeeky.

If your husband can't control his urges then he needs professional counseling. Blocking access at home is only a bandaid not a cure. Only professional counseling can provide long-term solutions -- you need it too so that you know how to help him. I don't advocate "kick him out" until you have tried everything else first.

Crunchie thank you :) I will check opendns out.. :)

Cant kick him out at the moment, not that easy with house etc tied up, plus that whole "death do us part" thing ;). This isnt about him, its about me. I want to make sure that I am no longer at risk if he lapses in judgement again, call it a selfish tactic.

Ancient Dragon: My post said "he is getting help" and he is - professional help, or I would not still be here. However relying on HIS progress and help doesnt prevent risk for ME (in my view) hence trying to establish a way to ensure it cannot occur in my house putting me at risk.

Thanks for your advice so far. :)

I highly recommend Open DNS, my school uses it and works a treat!

Yes, i think he does need some professional help, it will be good for him!


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