My friend get the error message "iexplorer.exe cannot be found" whenever he tries to start ie, even when running the file directly (double-clicking iexplorer.exe). You want a HijackThis log?

My friend get the error message "iexplorer.exe cannot be found" whenever he tries to start ie, even when running the file directly (double-clicking iexplorer.exe).

iexplorer.exe is not the legitimate IE file. iexplore.exe is.

You want a HijackThis log?

Of course.

Ok so I messed up. I'm not at his comp. Anyways, he solved it by completely purging IE from his system(reg keys, files, plugins, etc.), then reinstalling it

That was not the intent of what I said. I was merely pointing out that IE's application file was iexplore not iexplorer.
That would show if you were or were not, infected.

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