I've found that Combofix eliminates the autoplay feature in XP. I've seached for a way to re-enable it, but all anyone ever says is, "You're better off without it." I can understand that, given the potential for infection there, but I would still like to know if there is a way to correct it. I've tried the whole "right-click, autoplay tab, adjust settings" thing, but that doesn't work anymore. Is there a way, or is the feature just gone? I don't need an answer urgently, I'm just curious, because if I'm correct that Combofix is causing this, I may not use it anymore.

Shouldn't be using combofix anyway without instruction. It can mash your whole OS if you do something wrong.

Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard

Yeah...I should have mentioned...that Repair Wizard doesn't fix it, either. Thanks anyway. At least now that I know I shouldn't use just any old program someone on a forum suggests!

I have recommended CF numerous times and not had anyone mention this happening to them.

The repair wizard does indeed work. I have used it many times after running Combofix. You have to run it 2 or 3 times. Log off/on to Windows after each run. You will notice different options after the second or third run. The software doesn't come with any directions, so you would have had to figure it out for yourself.

Yeah...I should have mentioned...that Repair Wizard doesn't fix it, either. Thanks anyway. At least now that I know I shouldn't use just any old program someone on a forum suggests!

commented: very helpful. +2

Originally Posted by AndyOne

Yeah...I should have mentioned...that Repair Wizard doesn't fix it, either. Thanks anyway. At least now that I know I shouldn't use just any old program someone on a forum suggests!

I am going to reiterate what Crunchie has said;

Shouldn't be using combofix anyway without instruction. It can mash your whole OS if you do something wrong.

Combofix is a VERY SPECIALIZED tool, NEVER, EVER to be used without FIRST being instructed to do so under the supervision of someone who has been trained in its use It is NOT your ordinary, "garden variety" clean up tool.
It is only recommended in special circumstances.
If it IS recommended within a specific thread then that recommendation applies ONLY to that SPECIFIC computer and under those SPECIFIC circumstances. Using it when it is not needed or incorrectly can result in permanent damage to the computer.

Combofix updates frequently.

Combofix should NEVER remain on the computer after the computer is deemed clean and used again or over and over. It should be UNINSTALLED, NOT just DELETED, following the strict uninstall instructions which will be given once the clean up is complete for that specific problem.

All this said, today some malware removal tools, now including Combofix, already disable Autorun by default. Don't complain about this. This is an extra security measure and you should have it disabled..WHY? Because malware authors have begun to exploit the autorun/autoplay feature which can spread infections from computer to computer via USB flashdrives. The Defense Dept. banned the use thumb drives, CDs, flash media cards, and all other removable data storage devices from their nets in November.
There are now a LARGE number of these infections spreading from computer to computer via the AutoPlay function on the computer. Part of the problem disabling AutoPlay has come from the fact that previously users were unable to selectively disable autoplay for various drives. Microsoft Issued a Fix for this problem on February 24, 2009, go to that link to read about it and find out where to get it and how to install this on your systems

I am an IT Consultant.
I was referring to the Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard not Combofix.
I agree that Combofix should only be used in severe cases when a virus cannot be removed by other methods.
The Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard does work, and many of my clients use and love this feature despite your overly cautious opinion.

Can you tell me where in MY post did I mention the Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard? I never said a thing about it. I was not commenting in any way shape or form about the Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard. I was speaking solely about combofix. I quoted the original poster and our Moderator Crunchie, you were not quoted, I was not speaking about anything that you wrote.

Thanks, dangaio1, your post was actually very helpful. I always get frustrated when all someone does is post a link with no information. That's what i come here for, after all. If all I needed was a link, I'd just use Google and skip the forum. I might add that I never asked if anyone thought I should be using ComboFix...I just asked about the autoplay feature, but thanks for the advice, and to all who tried to help.

Whether you asked if you should use it or not, that is the best advice to be given regarding combofix.

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