ok, the damndest thing just happened. i come home for the weekends from college and today i was printing out a document from Word (a letter actually) and i hooked up to my dads printer and hit print, no problem right? well....what happened was the printer started shooting out picture of this guy who lives 2 doors down on my hall on campus....i have never taken pictures of this guy before in my life (as a matter of fact i have his highschool prom picture). now im confused. why did they start printing first thing (i do have my computer password protected when im networking in the dorm) but more importantly, how did they get there to begin with. (i also got a health report from either him or his roomate and boyz II men lyrics *wtf*) its weird....is there anything i can do to fix this....or was it a one time whoops?

ok, the damndest thing just happened. i come home for the weekends from college and today i was printing out a document from Word (a letter actually) and i hooked up to my dads printer and hit print, no problem right? well....what happened was the printer started shooting out picture of this guy who lives 2 doors down on my hall on campus....i have never taken pictures of this guy before in my life (as a matter of fact i have his highschool prom picture). now im confused. why did they start printing first thing (i do have my computer password protected when im networking in the dorm) but more importantly, how did they get there to begin with. (i also got a health report from either him or his roomate and boyz II men lyrics *wtf*) its weird....is there anything i can do to fix this....or was it a one time whoops?

Shooting out ,your dad must have a printer better than mine:)
anyway you don't say if it stoped at a certin number of copies or if you had to manually stop it ,roommates could have put them on you computer and had it set to print at a later time ,for a joke .or you could have been hacked ,hows you computer performing ,in task manger /processes is anything runnig at 100% like spoolSv.exe ,printer releated /
in case you don't know how to get to task manager ,ALT+CTRL+DEL

nothing is 100%....but the thing is...the guy isnt my roomate...he lives 3 or so doors down. the only thing i could think of is he came into my locked room, knew my password, and TRIED to print things out using the wrong printer setup. so when i hit print on my dads printer (its a black and white laser jet....so yea...the pictures would /shoot/ out haha) these picture just came out.....a few websites (i had to actually stop them myself...right click on the printer icon and cancle tasks...and might i add there were quite a few) and a health report....unless he jacked my computer....he came into my room with a KEY that he shouldnt have (or possibly my roomate let him in, which is unlikly because im there before he is on most days) and he KNEW my password....im going to knock on buddy's door come monday and ask what the deal is....thanks again for the advice

The reason i asked about the 100% was because last month ,i fixed a college kids computer that just started printing out pages of crap for no reason and his Spoolsv,exe was running at 100% ,because these was over 3500 ,files set to be printed in his spool folder !!he was hacked durnin the night when he was downloading something i think .
The person may not have enter your room but may have hacked into you computer .

the other thing i though of was he was sitting in HIS room, in my computer.....through the network. how would i go about protecting my computer from these kind of things?

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