'ello one and all, how have you been? work done at this site is simply fabulous!

I need some help as to:-

1. Ad-aware stops scanning when it hits "Documents and Settings\.......\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHistory012005051220050513. Never happened before

2. Before this ad-aware scan always contain "MRU" files
a. What are they
b. Can they harm the PC
c. How do you prevent it from getting in

3. I noticed "Spyblaster" updates cannot be downloaded for the last 3 months or so, is there something wrong with the site or is it my PC

Much obliged.............Do Take Care......

'ello one and all, how have you been? work done at this site is simply fabulous!

I need some help as to:-

1. Ad-aware stops scanning when it hits "Documents and Settings\.......\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHistory012005051220050513. Never happened before

Try running it in safe mode.

2. Before this ad-aware scan always contain "MRU" files
a. What are they
b. Can they harm the PC
c. How do you prevent it from getting in

Most Recently Used. Files that you have accessed on your PC. Just Windows keeping a history of what you have been up to :D.

3. I noticed "Spyblaster" updates cannot be downloaded for the last 3 months or so, is there something wrong with the site or is it my PC

Much obliged.............Do Take Care......

Which version do you have? I just downloaded an update 30 minutes ago. Latest version is 3.3.

Thanks crunchie.........always a great help! Problems solved and by the way Spyblaster has the latest version i.e 3.4 just downloaded

Thanks a million

Got it :D.

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