Hi All
I have been directed to your site via pcw.co.uk. and wondered if you can offer me any advice. A member of my household is tracking what I am doing on my pc. (I know this because he tells me and thinks it is clever) I know that he does remote control some of his clients, and has gotten into my desktop via a samclient (think its called that) which I believe cracks the windows password. How can I stop this? or at least present the authorities (if necesary) with the truth? Any advise is appreciated. Thanks in advance, AnnaLou

If this person has physical access to your computer, you're basically SOL. Remote attacks can be hindered with software and hardware protection, but if the attacker can walk up to your computer and turn it on then no amount of protection will keep them out if they know what they're doing.

Barring physical protection like a lockbox, of course. ;)

bum - dont know what SOL means but I get the drift, thanks anyway, just have to clear stuff out before exiting I guess. Thanks A/L

Sol means shit out of luck. I do believe that you can lock the Bios.
That is a way the computer will not even boot up until a password is setup. good luck :)

Sol means shit out of luck. I do believe that you can lock the Bios.
That is a way the computer will not even boot up until a password is setup. good luck :)

seeker9969, this thread is 4 years old. It is pointless posting something like this in a four year old thread. Learn to look at the dates.

nothing is pointless, after reading his comment after 4 years. i still helps other people out there.
i was a idiot that didnt know what SOL ment. thanks Seeker9969

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