Thanks for the help everyone. I suppose for now the pc is ok. Seems to be clean. But now his Windows mail won't open. Can't initialize the MSOE.dll. Looks like I've got some more work to do. But thanks again! I'll mark as solved I guess.

But now his Windows mail won't open. Can't initialize the MSOE.dll.

That is a recurring Outlook error. I'd bet you probably have solved it by now.

If not, let me know and we can take a whack at it.

Cheers :)

Actually, I've not fixed the Windows mail issue. Tried a few things. Backed up the folder deleted the contents. Backed up the registry key. Deleted it. He was getting pretty unhappy about losing all his saved mail. So I just hooked him up with Thunderbird, got all his old mail imported and left it at that for now. I would like to solve the Windows mail issue though. I even reinstalled Windows Live Mail and it's still doing the same. Windows live mail keeps saying it encountered an error and needs to close. So I'm wondering if I just take a copy of my MSOE.dll and put it in his windows folder if that would work?

Should I start a new thread or keep this one going? Thanks...

So I'm wondering if I just take a copy of my MSOE.dll and put it in his windows folder if that would work?

Should I start a new thread or keep this one going? Thanks...

I split this off into a new topic for you.

Go ahead and copy the .dll and see if that helps. Also, re-register it, while you are at it.

Let us know how that shakes out.

Cheers :)

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