Hi guys, I need some help :/
Let me start off by saying Im only 18, and Im not a HUGE computer person. I know enough to get by, but thats it.
My brother bought me a laptop for christmas and it had Norton security already installed. That recently expired, so I was left with no antivirus protection up until now.
Well, just today, I was searching on Google and found that everytime I clicked on a link, it took me to a new page that had nothing to do with what I was looking for. My mom said Avast was a good program, so I downloaded the free version(as Im low on money) thinking it would help with whatever was going on with Google... it didnt.
I read around and found that Ive been hijacked? And Im not sure how to deal with this at all.

Can you guys maybe help me out, give me step by step instructions on what to do? I'd REALLY appriciate it. No one in my family is computer savy, and I dont have the money to get this fixed by professionals.

Also, is Avast as good as my mom said it is, with it being free? If not, whats a good free program that will protect me?

Please help guys, I dont know what to do! :(

Avast is good enough, your mom is right.
Try maybe to scan your system before loading OS.
Launch Avast, than Menu, than Scan at startup. It may help

Avast is good enough, your mom is right.
Try maybe to scan your system before loading OS.
Launch Avast, than Menu, than Scan at startup. It may help

Sorry, OS?
I really have pretty much no idea what to do with this stuff :/ Im sorry.
I hate to say it, but youre gonna have to talk to me like a 5 year old in order for me to understand this computer stuff.

If it helps, Ive done a couple quick scans, and a deep scan already. But only 3 threats popped up, and I deleted them.

Hi Miranda,

It would be best if you tried to complete the steps in the linky below and post the requested scanlogs:


Do the steps as best you can - they really aren't too formidable. At the very least, do the MBAM scan and have it remove what it finds and then post the log for us.

I or another volunteer will try to check back as time permits.


OS is for Operating System. It can be Windows or Linux or something else.

I really appriciate the responses, guys. I actually found a guy whos a family friend thats gonna help me (: I was a bit nervous to do it myself, for fear of deleting something important from my laptop.
Thanks for trying to help though!

I really appriciate the responses, guys. I actually found a guy whos a family friend thats gonna help me (: I was a bit nervous to do it myself, for fear of deleting something important from my laptop.
Thanks for trying to help though!

Good luck to you :)

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