My browser home pages keep resetting to a page This happens on both Google Chrome and IE. I reset them manually, but then when I reboot my PC, they reset again. I'm guessing it is some spyware or adware, but I am too much of a software novice to know how to find the offending files. This is an almost 4 year old work laptop that is in desperate need of a tune up since it does not appear that it will be getting replaced any time soon. Any help is greatly appreciate in diagnosing and getting rid of this problem.

Thank you

Scan your system with MBAM, select Free version download.
Then try running ESET's online scanner.

Their may be some manual cleanup needed once the infection is removed.
Post back if you need further assistance and provide the scan logs.

Nullptr is right, MBAM is a good program.

One other app to know about from ... Tweaking_Repair_AIO which can be downloaded from a number of locations including here.

This wizard-based cleanup and repair utility includes running MBAM (Malwarebytes). It also has registry backup, scannow, and some other basic pieces that may help you with other issues. The scripts for resetting to defaults are quite good.

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