Hellomma, I'm Bon.

Here's the problm. as I was browsing to a site,suddenly, the page was directed to a site that told me to download anti-vermins.

After I closed it, a systyem warning logo continously appeared on the bottom right of my desktop toolbar.

Now its just incovenient for me, so help me Please..:sad: ::confused:

Lately I've been doing instructon as someone in similar post said, and the system warning icon have disappeared. But I confused that should I uninstall the Anti-Verminser from the Add or Remove Program or not, help this poor schlub, will you. Thanx.

hello, bonchenko, yes - go ahead and do that. Actually it is the first step that you should have tried to rid yourself of it, although i doubt very much that it would have worked.. :). Once you've done that search in program files and delete its folder if it exists.

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