this just started happening this morning i ran adaware and did what it said then i turned my comp off cuz i was done for the night. this morning i turned it on adn it took five minutes to start took longest at loading user settings. it finally loaded and everything runs extreamly slow and there is no start bar ( it is not shrunk down or anything like that i wish it was that easy ). I tried to do a system restore but it would not open any program. so i went to safe mode to do it and it said that it was unable to run it to restart and try again. i did this four times and now am to upset. i hope i provided enough info for you to help me. oh yeah and i just started this comp last tuesday.

please help

Sounds like you've still got some nasties in there. Can you still get online? If so, download the latest virus definition updates for your anti-virus program and run a full system scan. Also download SpyBot (link in my sig below); SpyBot is very similar to Ad Aware, and it's always a good idea to run both programs consecutively when removing spyware. Let us know what happens after you do the above.

By the way, since you indicate that this seems to be related to finding and removing "malware" components, I'll move this to our Security forum.

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