38 Recommended Topics

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Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

How can I shutdown the system after 3 minutes automatically.

Linux and Unix
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have a script in my system. I want to run this script on the remote system which has SSH connection.

Linux and Unix shell-scripting
Member Avatar for samueltarcin999
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I want to run a command for ever in the Linux bash. Also I want to put 60 seconds between command execution.

Linux and Unix shell-scripting
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

I want to create a batch file in windows to do specific commands on redhat linux server When user click on batch file 1- login to server using root user 2- restart some service 3- logout from server Am able to do cron job to do these commands but I …

Linux and Unix window-manager
Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have to install the Django package to my mint distribution. I want to accomplish this by using pip command but can not find the pip command. How can I install the pip command ? Thanks

Linux and Unix python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Malaka_1

Hi All, I Need LAN Computers (X lite Client) to be able to VoIP Server (Asterisk). How can i configure the proxy server for this purpose.my diagram is in [link](https://i.stack.imgur.com/6CfsV.jpg).can you help to connect X lite client to VoIP server. Following are the Configuration. * LAN - X Lite Client …

Linux and Unix
Member Avatar for drewgen
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have some backup files which are created in a daily manner. After some time they take a lot of space and want to delete them according to their time stamp like delete 1 month olders. Thanks

Linux and Unix
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for lewashby

This may not be the best room to post this in but I didn't see any room that really jumped out at me for this, and since I'm doing all this on Linux desktop it made sense. I'm having trouble placing the meta data (artists, album, title) for a .wav …

Linux and Unix audio
Member Avatar for Jonny_4

The End.