37 Recommended Topics

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Member Avatar for lordrt

Hello, I currently have a RedHat Linux version 6.4 running on a physical server (HP). However, recently it has started to show a failing disk problem, with some failures at software level as well like the terminal not opening properly, and while waiting for a new replacement disk to be …

Linux and Unix
Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have a Java installation and I have only access via bash. How can I check the Java version from command line.

Linux and Unix python
Member Avatar for AlVest
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

How can I shutdown the system after 3 minutes automatically.

Linux and Unix
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have a script in my system. I want to run this script on the remote system which has SSH connection.

Linux and Unix shell-scripting
Member Avatar for samueltarcin999
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I want to run a command for ever in the Linux bash. Also I want to put 60 seconds between command execution.

Linux and Unix shell-scripting
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

I want to create a batch file in windows to do specific commands on redhat linux server When user click on batch file 1- login to server using root user 2- restart some service 3- logout from server Am able to do cron job to do these commands but I …

Linux and Unix window-manager
Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have to install the Django package to my mint distribution. I want to accomplish this by using pip command but can not find the pip command. How can I install the pip command ? Thanks

Linux and Unix python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.