202 Topics

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Member Avatar for kouty

Hello, there. Before a lot of years, my main work in computer was made with Ubuntu because I have a computer without an official bought Windows version and I was afraid from a not legal work. When I bought this PC, in spite of that i made a double entry …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw

I want to create a batch file in windows to do specific commands on redhat linux server When user click on batch file 1- login to server using root user 2- restart some service 3- logout from server Am able to do cron job to do these commands but I …

Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for absolute20
Member Avatar for dspjm

When I plug in my headphone, the speaker still sounds, how to solve this problem please, I can use alsamixer to adjust the total volume, but I just want the speaker stopped making sound after I plug in my headphone...Thanks for helping...:-)

Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for Siberian

Strongly considering installing Ubuntu and wine. I use some software that has Linux versions, but what about Adobe programs how well can I run them in Linux without seeing any speed decrease ? And are there any wine alternatives ? How well have former Windows users caught on to Ubuntu …

Member Avatar for NeilSiri
Member Avatar for RobotFX

Hi I have a lot of photos in a lot of folders (all under the /stars folder) and every picture has a thumbnail, too. The thumbnails have a '_t' in their name, like this 'picname_t.jpg'. What I'd like to do is to delete all the thumbs ('*_t.jpg' files) recursively, using …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for geekme

While Hosting guest OS in VM, I get the error "Error while switching on:Internal Error".Please help.

Member Avatar for john321
Member Avatar for Alison Clarke

Hi All, I am working with a Software company and I have got an opportunity to work on Unix server but I just have basic knowledge of Unix and Linux. And I have to learn all the commands within a week. Is there any online tutorial or any website? Please …

Member Avatar for neerajpro
Member Avatar for vasuv

Hi, we have some scheduled jobs.The jobs will truncate the data and inserting the data and update the data.This process will happen daily. we receive files like truncate_file,Insert_file and update_file to our INBOX in scheduled time.once we got the update_file we will connect to front end application by using user_id …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for khess

My "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story229382.html"]10 Best Linux Distributions of 2009[/URL]" list drew a bit of disdain from some of my readers, so I thought I'd make it up to them by posting a list of Linux distributions that [I]they[/I] like to use. Since I have no way of knowing which of these distributions …

Member Avatar for shafin raza
Member Avatar for anishpsla

Hi friends, This is my first post in this forum.Also first about linux programming. I want to run a small linux application as a deamon. I configure it to load on startup. It's working without any problem. Now I want to get the console window of this deamon if it …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for cisco expert

Hi linux users, After i installed Ubuntu Server 10. It restarted and boot with command line mode. I dont know how to run what sudo command to get graphic mode? And how to enable telnet for root user . Thanks

Member Avatar for cisco expert
Member Avatar for jagan605

i recently tried Gnu/linux musix ,which boots into command line interface.when i issue the command starx it returns some errors... "I830 dma initialization failed" "xf86vidmem:could not map framebuffer(0x400000,0*10000)(invalid argument) " i also tried replacing xfree86 by xorg but it gives the same errors. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for nyhooh

I am using Ubuntu 10.04. Every time I mount NTFS partition some folders by the name RECYCLER, $RECYCLE.BIN, System Volume Information and a file by the name Thumbs.db got auto generated. This is really cluttering up the partition. What could this be? I've tried hiding those folders but they always …

Member Avatar for mundvawala

hi. i have 500gb HDD, first i install window 7(64-bit) then after fedora14 on separate partition using Fedora-14-i686-Live-Desktop cd. so when my laptop is booting it shows a boot screen with two option, fedora OS(as default) and win7 as other.After 3 second, Fedora is automatically starting. I just want to …

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Member Avatar for 1ML

HI, I've just installed Ubuntu Linux on my Packard Bell i3 PC which is great, except that now I have to develop stuff in Java [Android, no groans please]. I've used and developed in Linux a long time ago, but I can't seem top find anything that can open and …

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for grvs

Hi I am trying to compress a file. But I want my original file to be there. eg. if I have file named file1 then after compressing I should have 2 files: file1 file1.z (I googled and tried gzip and zcat but couldn't do it) Thanks

Member Avatar for b1izzard
Member Avatar for dspjm

How can i relate a source file in a gdb command... Provided that i have two files: test.c test(executable) How?thx for answering

Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for shivnath

Is there any command to close any already opened file browser using command in linux. I need so. plz help me.

Member Avatar for robinbolt
Member Avatar for Melow

my problem is that i changed some compiz configurations and i broke my copy/paste(ctrl-c, ctrl-v... basically all the shortcuts that start with ctrl, including Eclipse's ctrl-space). i searched for key-shortcuts, i found a whole lot of them besides the ones i need. does anyone know how can i restore my …

Member Avatar for Melow
Member Avatar for dspjm

As the title, type M-C-y, can use it, but what if i want to use the argument to recall the nth argument in the previous command...Thanks for answering...

Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for dspjm

In the help of less in bash, it says tha we can mark a position with m<letter>, then go to the mark with '<letter>. it seems that the m<letter> doesn't work at all, suppose i type ma, while if i type ' , a line "go to mark: " shows …

Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for IsharaComix
Member Avatar for jimmys_

Can I get the handle to the foreground (active, focused) window (similar to GetForegroundWindow for Windows)?

Member Avatar for jimmys_
Member Avatar for happygeek

What do you get if you combine a computer company with a group of Vegans and someone who used to present a popular children's TV show? The less than obvious answer is a Linux computer designed especially for old people. But there you have it, and according to the press …

Member Avatar for demdd
Member Avatar for jamesl22

Hi, I have been working to build a new Linux distribution that runs off a live CD. The live CD is set up and runs a terminal. It can handle multiple logins. What do I need to do to get xfree86 with iceWM to work on it. Thanks, James

Member Avatar for notyabhi

I am using ext4 filesytem on fedora 13 and also Windows 7. Tried linux internal reader, ext2fsd and many more to fetch data from ext4 partition but unable to do so. Can any one help to access data in Linux partition from Windows 7. Thank You

Member Avatar for kermie

Hi Guys Gals and those not sure. I am not sure if this is in the right thread but I am hoping u can help or direct me where I can help. I have a friend running linux which had a virus hijack her hotmail account and started spamming her …

Member Avatar for sds
Member Avatar for KF4SQB

I'm pretty much a Linux newbie, so please be gentle with me! I've got Ubuntu installed on an Acer Aspire laptop. Originally had the previous stable release, just upgraded to the current stable release (to try to fix my problem; didn't work). I've been running Gnome from the beginning, and …

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The End.