A purple theme for UNIX/Linux.
I don't think it's Ubuntu, but is it available for it?
It's a UNIX theme I think.
I can't find a screenshot, but I saw one earlier today. Aah.
I really wish I could find a screenshot to post here. But does ANYONE know what I'm talking about? It's like, purple. Purple and UNIX-y.

I can't say I do. I mean, what is this theme for? KDE? Gnome? <insert some random window manager>? There are literally millions of themes for various types of software that run on Linux.

You can search for it, or something that looks similar on gnome-look.org. If you still don't have any luck, you could try creating your own (or tweaking an existing theme).

Hmm... gnome-look.org is down right now.
I'll try later.

Thanks though.

yeah gnome look is the main place, deviantart is good for wallpapers too though

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