Greetings from Honduras CA,

I have install a VMware 4.0 in my RedHat 8.0 and it runs perfectly, I use a guess WindowsXP and is ok. . . But

How can I transfer data or files from a guess OS to my host OS and viseberse.

I mean, If I have a document in Linux (host) and I want to work with it in Win XP (guess) how can I transfer it with out using a floppy disk ?

Hope Any can give me a hand, thanx anyway !

Mail me at:

I've been trying to figure this out too...

e-mail it, lol

you would need to setup filesharing :D which i belive would be rather a pain in the arse :)

you would need to setup filesharing :D which i belive would be rather a pain in the arse :)

It's not any different than setting up filesharing for two distinct machines running Windows XP and Linux.

You could do it any number of ways. Because VMware allows for virtual NICs on the guest OS, you could set up an FTP server on the host Linux install, give the Windows XP install a virtual NIC with an IP address, and then upload/download the files to the FTP server. Or, you could again set up the virtual NIC, set up Windows Networking on the XP install, create a shared folder, and use Samba to access the Windows share in Linux.

Basically, all of my suggestions would revolve around getting a virtual Ethernet connection set up, and then using some filesharing protocol to exchange the files. Once you get the virtual connection set up, choosing what protocol to use boils down to what tools you have experience working with...

The best way is to install and configure SAMBA on your RH machine.

Remember that the NTFS file system is read only for linux. So, create some portion of FAT32 on your win machine side if you intend to use it.

In most cases, you don't will need to use the win disk to read and write data. With Samba on linux the partitions will apeerars as they are on win and you'll be able to use it on a rergular basis for lin or win.

Good Luck!


Hey people,

Well At the same plalce that u downloaded the vmware u can find how to set linux and windows share files settings.

Simple, u have to configure Samba at Ur linux host by setting an Ip address and the at the virtual windows another Ip in the same network, with some help of samba tutorials you are going to link both O.S.

Well theres my addres above mailme I u need a littlel push !

From Honduras C.A.

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