I was reading the thread "Remote Desktop to Ubuntu from a Windows XP PC", which came close to what I'm trying to do. I have a Linux box that I'm trying to set-up using a remote desktop (using Windows XP) without have into login at the linux box and without a display, mouse, or keyboard attached (to the linux box). Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? All comments welcome. - drdoug

use VNC.

I highly recommend NX client and server from nomachine

hlow....how to configure remote desktop xp to ubuntu...

plz help...me

use putty, there is windows version. It will give you the cmd line just as ubuntu server. very handy.

just google putty.

Putty (any SSH client) will only work if the Ubuntu machine is already set up with a working network interface and has a SSH server installed and running. If the machine is running Ubuntu Server there should be no problem checking the box for SSH Server during the installation of Ubuntu Server.

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