Hi all,

I have to install a software in linux from a .bin file. But firstly I have to extract .rpm files from it to proceed. Please guide me about how to do it. I haven't worked on a linux machine before. Its my first attempt. So please explain in detail.


Which software you need to install? But why do you looking to extract file from .bin?
Which Linux flavour you are using?
If you have any rpm file install it by using "rpm -ivh rpmname".
Please more specific while posting...

Hi all,

I have to install a software in linux from a .bin file. But firstly I have to extract .rpm files from it to proceed. Please guide me about how to do it. I haven't worked on a linux machine before. Its my first attempt. So please explain in detail.


Are you sure you don't just have to run the .bin file? I've seem some software packaged as .bin or .run. These are usually install scripts that extract their own rpms (or binaries, or source, or whatever) and install them.

.bin files are compiled ( meaning that you can't always properly view the source in a text editor). Running a .bin file is usually as simple as this: ./file.bin

.bin (binary) files generally do something besides extract the RPM it contains when told to execute. Sun does this a lot with their java packages. Running the .bin file will present you with their license agreement. Failing to scroll through it all and accept the agreement will prevent you from gaining access to the RPM within it.


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