I have a Dell Monitor that is not in the install list. I tried to set up Linux with the Dell Monitor using the generic monitor listing that closely matched my setup: 1078X768 @ 60Hz. The problem is this: I am stuck in 640X480 resolution and I can't get out. Does anyone know of any solution? No one wants to help me it seems. I just want to defeat Microsoft because they have angered me.


This can be solved using either /usr/bin/Xconfigurator, or by working the System Preferences --> Display program. Xconfigurator might be phased out... cannot remember.

Don't give up on it... There is an answer. And Welcome to Linux. If you are just starting out with it though, you might want to be working with Fedora Core 3. Redhat is no longer maintained; the work that was done to RedHat is now being done on Fedora. The business model changed, so they changed the name.


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