I've done a google search for how to install this, and none of the methods seem to work. I've tried installling it the normal way and $ linux32 sh et-linux-2.55.x86.run which didn't work also. Anyone out there get this running on a 64 bit linux OS that can help me?

This one little thing bascially keeps me from being Windows free, so any help would be appreciated. My normal desktop OS of choice is Mac OS 10.4, but my mini doesn't have the hardware to play this game.

Blah, I got this installed. Now if only I could get the nvidia drivers to work properly....


At work, pushing the envelope with AutoCAD and SolidWorks installations, we have found that nVidia drivers are unstable / weird in comparison to the ATI drivers. It really has me thinking for my next computer....

I am like you... have Mac OS X for my desktop workstation, and use Linux for other things, and for server operations. I think the two systems really make a nice computing environment.



At work, pushing the envelope with AutoCAD and SolidWorks installations, we have found that nVidia drivers are unstable / weird in comparison to the ATI drivers. It really has me thinking for my next computer....

I am like you... have Mac OS X for my desktop workstation, and use Linux for other things, and for server operations. I think the two systems really make a nice computing environment.


Oh really? I always heard bad things about the ATI Linux drivers. In fact, the only reason I went with nVidia is because of their "better" driver support (namely 3d acceloration) in Linux. Damn. Well atleast I got the driver to install now. Hah.

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