Rev. kanan ratan sraman
sri pragnananda pirivena,
80,nagaha watta road,
Sri Lanka

so,serch the inter net for linux and you will find it,just download it,and we don'tneed your address and name to help you get it

As caperjack said. Linux is FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). All source code as well as binary code for most any hardware is available on line free for you to download, install, modify, and use to your heart's content. If you cannot download it, some providers will send you CD's or DVD's with all that you need for free, or for a little $$ to pay for production and mailing.

i just posted for a laugh ,the Rev remided me of a email i get quite ofter to help claim is uncles missing money,lol

in my experience the ubuntu extreme was the best a few years ago, and be aware that you have to burn your program to a cd and install it that way, so you will need a burning program as well, burnaware free or some similar will do that job no worries

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