mikeandike22 18 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso


I just moved from Linux(ubuntu) to BSD (DesktopBSD/FreeBSD) as you might have read in my blog. So here are some things you might want to know about my install situation that could help you out later.

First Scenario: Remove Linux Completely

I installed my DesktopBSD right over my Linux install partition which lead to problems like for example Grub still being installed and not loading. So after you install and reboot you will get a Grub error 17. Im no Grub guru so cant tell you wat that actually means, but here is how you fix it:

Option 1: Have a windows XP cd handy? snatch that up and put it in. Launch into the recovery mode or rescue w.e cmd prompt and after you login type fixmbr this will rewrite your Master Boot Record and get rid of the problem.

Option 2: If you dont have a windows installation or dont have the cd there are livecds or linux distros that will do this. I believe Suse 9 has something similar. Also if you have a copy of Dos you can do it on that.
Now that you got that done you will be able to boot into your windows partition and now you will have to modify your Boot.ini file to add *BSD to the NT bootloader. Get a program called bootpart and follow the instructions. It will tell you all the OS's on your system and allow you to select which ones you want in the list, then modifies your Boot.ini and MBR to that configuration.

Second Scenario: Keep Linux

Ok so this is pretty obvious. Dont install over your linux partition and then edit your grub list to include FreeBSD. However make sure that your linux partitions are ext2 if you plan on mounting them inside BSD because it can not read ext3 atm.