since ati has the linux drivers for my video card(ati radeon 9200), does that mean it can run all the eye candy and stuff?
thanks for your help.


it doesnt work for my x600 :(

Perhaps you misconfigured your drivers? It seems like ATI's got full support for it on their driver page.

I'm no ATI expert, but isn't x600 a simple card, without a serious accelerator?

it plays farcry just fine

whatever farcry is ;) I'm not a gamer mate :)
what we use here is NVIDIA Quadro 1500 mostly, because they are much better than anything ATI-made for our kind of graphics - high volume 3D COP processing

That rocks, thanks guys.
Who needs vista when you have XGL?
linux rocks

farcry is (although FEAR is now becoming more popular) a game used for real life (gaming) benchmarks

card has no probs with games / cad on medium settings so wtf wont it run XGL or Aero!

bash/ksh/csh man, everything else is eye-candy :)))

i've had so many porblems with my ati card, i love nvidia.

bash/ksh/csh man, everything else is eye-candy :)))

i like mc. it reminds me of the DOS shell of my childhood

>i've had so many porblems with my ati card, i love nvidia.
That's rather odd, although Nvidia tends to be higher-end than ATI, it seems that they have more vertex shader problems than ATI. I've seen several programmers complain that their vertex shaders look great on ATI cards, but turn into "polygon soup" on Nvidias.

I've just never been able to work well with linux on an ait, but nvidia just works so well.

i like mc. it reminds me of the DOS shell of my childhood

you mean it reminds you of Norton Commander/Volkov Commander? ;)

no, the ms dos shell with its lovely blue colour scheem.

anybody tried freedos? i can't even download it because there's too much traffic.

I dont like it. Has anyone tried the Windows XP Powershell by the way?

Imagine BASH for XP. Thats basically it. It rocks, full scripting support and most POSIX commands work.

it's pretty cool, i tried it and it works well.

ATI are crap when it comes to Linux support, and I don't say that lightly, I'm a die hard 3DFX user and I still hate Nvidia for shelving the company, but even I have had to change all my cards to Nvidia because the drivers are buggy. just ask the developers of video players what graphics card is best and they'll say Nvidia. i don't know their current stance, but mplayer hated anyone even asking for support if they were using ati lol

I have a radeon x800 and i have full linux support

I have a radeon x800 and i have full linux support

your lucky, what gets me mad about them is they dropped support from <9600 even though directx10 had hardly even come out

why is that then? not that the 9200 can't handle any of the games thats for sure, i have a fx5200 now and it rocks at doom3 etc but i can't use the better 9200 as ati don't support <9600 any more and i have to use an older xorg to support it

i think it's rediculous, i can't speak for other ATI cards but the 9200 is fully directx 9.0c compatible and certainly not in any need of upgrading just yet

it's all the money issue again, resources to make drivers, and i say this to all companies! if your going to stop support on a driver, for the love of mercy RELEASE THE CODE!!!!!!!!!!

stick with nvidia guys, ATI are known for troublesome drivers

stick with nvidia guys, ATI are known for troublesome drivers

thats well known, least of all to me, but it's also kind of irellavent as i am poor and have little choice in the matter as it's the only card i have with tv-out
My main box does have an nvidia

i agree, ati sucks.

my dad just baught a new dell pc (with vista arrgh) and it has a geforce 7 something. Its totally passively cooled?

i want to get the 8800 gtx turbo, overclocked with custom liquid cooling.

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