Hi everyone

I want to try out linux on my laptop but still keep windows Me ( I know its old but i like it). I would like to create what I think is called a live cd. Where i power up my laptop and the bios looks in the d drive loads linux I do my stuff shut down and next time when the cd is out it opens windows for me. Is this called a live cd and how do I make one please ( I have a .iso of ubuntu 7.04 desktop ready downloaded)

many thanks


So it will run ubuntu without installing anything on my HD is that correct?

I burned the image to the cd using infra recorder but my laptop wont boot from cd. The bios is set to check the d drive first but it just doesn't do it. When it is in windows I can open the cd and it says "hey this is a live cd just boot from this and you can try out......"
I can't see why it isnt working can anybody help me please?

Many thanks

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Because you're using Windows ME, you might need the iso for the command line option, in that link I provided. Make sure you have used that one?

If it isn't recognising the cd, change all the boot sequences (1,2,3) so they all point to the cd-rom.

I found out that i cant boot from the cd drive I need a floppy in to tell it to but I can only have one drive in at a time floppy or cd so im running out of options on this now. Does linux get all the drivers for you video cards etc or do you have to go get them yourself if it does then I may install it completely but then I still have a problem because I cant fond a way of doing that. HELP ME PLEASE!

Many thanks

i think you can boot the floppy then remove ot and swap it for the cd drive when it asks you?

and yes linux will get all your drivers (usually). Only exceptions are usually Nvidia/ATI graphics cards. It will install a standard one instead of the official one which is slow for games etc... but works just fine otherwise

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Looks like you're on a rely old lap top as well. How much ram you got?

256 apparently . i told him that a livecd would run slow on that and that it would probably be usable when installed but would slow down considerably with a few windows opened

Hi everyone

I want to try out linux on my laptop but still keep windows Me ( I know its old but i like it). I would like to create what I think is called a live cd. Where i power up my laptop and the bios looks in the d drive loads linux I do my stuff shut down and next time when the cd is out it opens windows for me. Is this called a live cd and how do I make one please ( I have a .iso of ubuntu 7.04 desktop ready downloaded)

many thanks


You need to create a live cd with ubuntu iso file. Try using magiciso to burn iso file to cd.

I tend to recommend InfraRecorder for ISO burning software, seeing that it's completely free and open source. However, it's a moot point considering that this thread is nearly a month old, and the original poster has marked it as "solved".

i use DeepBurner. Free and does exactly what it says on the tin.

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