iam using suse 10.2
i ve mounted the ntfs partition
but wen i try to copy & paste something in that partition
i cant do it.
error msg stating access denied arises
wat to do?

but wen i try to copy & paste something in that partition
i cant do it.

Yes obviously it would be like that only. NTFS partition wont have a Write Access to it from Linux. Only Read Access is enabled. On the other hand FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions have both Read/Write Access from Linux.

You need to install a special driver to be able to write to NTFS, but be warned: the driver has its bugs and shouldn't be used in a stability-critical environment. As for the driver, take a look at http://www.linux-ntfs.org/

hi yaar
but wen loading the OS
i can see a line sda5 ntfs(rw)
my frnd said he had once written in tj\he ntfs partition
with the same suse10.2
but he cant do it now

>i can see a line sda5 ntfs(rw)
That's probably a line in the /etc/fstab file. Just because it requests that the partition be mounted as r/w doesn't mean the operating system has the means to do so.

>my frnd said he had once written in tj\he ntfs partition
It's absolutely possible -- re-read my link, it provides a very nice little driver for rw access of NTFS partitions.

thanks yaar for ur link.
i will try and tell u....

ntfs-3g is being hailed as a working driver, but it's still very much in beta. You could give it a shot though (it's mentioned on joeprogrammer's link).

yes the only reason most distributions dont include NTFS writing by default is because it is a bit buggy and if linux newbies managed to trash thier windows instillations, it would give linux a bad name with the newbies

hi joe
i downloaded the ntfs-3g driver from ur link.
i ve installed it. still not working.
can u say me how to properly install a driver
in suse.

That's what was warned earler too, these are buggy drivers. What is the version of SUSE you are using?

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