I am trying to install a distro of linux and when I try to boot from any CD, I receive the message invalid disks. I know that the disks are valid. I even tried to boot with Windows XP disk and I got the same message. Please, help, thank you

Hey there, sounds like the same problem I had. What you want to check is the Boot priority in the BIOS Menu. When the system starts up, press/hold down delete... then the blue BIOS setup screen should come up. Arrow across to the Boot Menu. Then open up the option 'Boot Priority'. Check that 'CD-ROM' drive is at the top, if not, make it so (Press the '+' button I believe). Then Save and Exit (which again I believe is F10). Then try booting from CD again.

When the system starts up, press/hold down delete... then the blue BIOS setup screen should come up. Arrow across to the Boot Menu. Then open up the option 'Boot Priority'. Check that 'CD-ROM' drive is at the top, if not, make it so (Press the '+' button I believe). Then Save and Exit (which again I believe is F10). Then try booting from CD again.

Those instructions are only for your BIOS. They could be very different on his computer.

Those instructions are only for your BIOS. They could be very different on his computer.

True actually... Still it might just be lucky and be the same. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

To fmar26 - the point is, change the boot priority of your machine in the BIOS setup and that could solve the problem.

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