I am using Linux...and when I try to send a mail (mail username) it gives me error:
/usr/sbin/sendmail: no such file or directory

sendmail is not installed on the machine? when I ls /usr/sbin I can see sendmail.sendmail

Any suggestion,
Data Sheet Linux

What distribution are you using?

How to find out this?

Data Sheet Linux

You don't know what distribution you're using? Please tell me you didn't install Linux yourself.

many new linuxes come with exim or even postfix these days

So what distro are you using? And in my opinion installing exim and postfix by default seems like the definition of bloat.

debian comes with exim now. rh/fedora are still sendmail I think

i know that on redhat/ fedora you can choose eithner sendmail or postfix

aaaaaaand postfix is a much better choice, IMO.

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